The Challenge
Our challenge was to improve consistency across multiple global manufacturing facilities and corporate technical service groups with regard to communication, best practices, and root cause analysis while exceeding our customer requirements. We were familiar with the eDART® System that RJG provides, and as we were preparing a development plan for our technical staff, it was determined that RJG could assist us.
The Solution
We reached out to the RJG team to review their capabilities and offerings. We ultimately chose them as a partner in our training program for several reasons: there are English and Spanish classes available, the data they present is consistent across the board, they offer in-house training, and they’re extremely responsive to our requests. With the realization of the improvements found through the first training course, Windsor Mold has provided this training to its technical staff at several locations, and the results continue to be positive.
The Result
We have now been working with RJG for well over 10 years, particularly with the eDART System, which has provided us with a whole new level of data to aid in root cause analysis efforts. In 2015, we decided to team up with RJG for our training requirements as well. Their systematic injection molding training has helped with our effort to standardize our processes by providing us with a solid foundation of knowledge. Our focus has been to train a multi-discipline team, comprising of employees in positions from all technical aspects of the company, including: engineering, process, quality, maintenance, and management. This diversified approach helped to bridge communication and knowledge gaps, allowing for quicker decision making and improved efficiency.
Our first indication of process improvements through the implementation of RJG training came at the conclusion of our first DECOUPLED II class. The focus of this class is to show employees that process and quality improvements can be achieved quickly using a standardized approach. This hands-on class was divided into two groups, and both were able to make process improvements on and discover the limitations of two current injection molding production tools. The assistance and training we’ve received from RJG has proven invaluable.
Paul Wilcox
Technical Improvement Manager
Windsor Mold Group ACD
About Windsor Mold Group
The Automotive Components Division of Windsor Mold Group is a full-service supplier of interior and exterior injection molded plastic components and assemblies, providing innovative solutions for automotive plastics applications to original equipment manufacturers and their suppliers.